Under the project, efforts will be made to enhance the resilience of select vulnerable communities living in coastal, rained area, deltas and wetlands, inland water bodies, river plains, and hilly regions to cope with disasters and climate variability by implementing scalable demonstrative pilot initiatives. Measures for mitigating the impacts of disasters and climate change will be implemented by designing community led pilot initiatives. Some of the proposed pilot initiatives are as follows:
Integrated Water Management for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
This will include measures such as revival of traditional water bodies, demand side ground water management, aquifer mapping, recharge of ground water, increased efficiency in utilization of water for the purpose of irrigation and domestic use, de-water logging/drainage decongestion, and land reclamation in flood plains, deltas and coastal plains.
Construction of safe shelters
The project will attempt to pursue CCA-DRR linkage in the shelter sector. It will assess the vulnerability of select communities from disasters and climate change and work with home-owners to introduce hazard-resistant building technology, climate sensitive designs, use of appropriate building materials, adequate provision for water and sanitation in the habitat design/planning, incorporation of water harvesting measures, use of energy efficient devices for electricity, and disaster preparedness through suitable structural and non-structural measures.
Alternative livelihoods and Livelihood Diversification for Adaptation and Resilience Building
Efforts would be made to develop expand the livelihood options through skill development of women groups and expansion of local economic activities through diversification, strengthening of local markets, infrastructure and promoting insurance. There will be special emphasis on climate change adaptive water and land based crop systems and farming practices. The project will attempt to promote financial inclusion by strengthening self-help groups, and establishing linkages with microfinance organizations.
Community level early warning systems
The project will attempt to develop mechanisms to ensure access to early warning information by the communities at risk. Appropriate technologies would be identified and promoted through existing programmes to establish effective early warning systems.
Participatory Risk Assessment
The project will attempt to promote community level participatory risk and vulnerability assessments using both indigenous knowledge and geospatial technologies such as satellite imagery, remote sensing, Global Positioning and Geographical Information Systems. Also, attempts would be made to demonstrate how community concerns can be integrated and addressed in development plans through such participatory risk assessments.