GOI-UNDP Programme

GOI-UNDP project on “Enhancing Institutional and Community Resilience to Disasters and Climate Change (2013-2017)” would provide technical support to strengthen capacities of government, communities and institutions to fast-track implementation of the planning frameworks on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. The project with an overall budget of US$ 6.117 million will be implemented in 10 states viz Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura and Uttarakhand.







Provide substantive high-level national and international technical expertise on DRR and CCA (Risk Assessment, Establishment of Early Warning Systems, strengthening techno-legal frameworks for DRR, Design and implementation of mitigation activities, etc.), also linked to local knowledge.
Provide high quality expertise to help mainstream DRR as per the Twelfth Five Year Plan.
Build capacities by working with training institutions that can in turn deploy trainers/ resource persons to the sub-district level.
Develop capacities of select vulnerable communities to enhance their resilience to cope with disasters and climate variability, with government’s support.
Promote systematic collection, storage and analysis of data as well as sharing of learning and experiences through knowledge management initiatives by setting up of a Knowledge Management Centre at the national level. This centre will work in close collaboration with UN-Solution Exchange Network.

Key Strategies

The process of mainstreaming DRR and CCA into development planning is impeded due to a lack of appropriate tools and methodologies. With a view to address risk reduction concerns and to facilitate mainstreaming of DRR/CCA in various developmental sectors, the project will target atleast four key National Flagship Development Programmes. Appropriate entry points, programme-specific guidelines for mainstreaming as well as capacity building of government and non-governmental functionaries involved in implementation of such programmes will be developed.

UNDP will continue its support in the area of urban risk reduction, following an institutional approach. It will be providing technical assistance to strengthen the governance structure for disaster risk management in select municipal councils and corporations, train municipal government officials, and emphasize inclusion of risk reduction in development projects. Technical assistance will be provided in the following areas:

  • Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.
  • Strengthening of Early Warning Systems.
  • Capacity building at the community level on disaster preparedness.
  • Development of sectorial plans to integrate DRR and CCA.
  • Preparation of multi hazard City Disaster Management Plans.
Provision of Technical Assistance through a Pool of Experts

UNDP would provide technical assistance in the area of risk assessment, mitigation planning, adaptation-risk reduction linkages, urban risk reduction and communications network to the Government of India or State Governments on a need basis, from a pre-selected pool of national and international experts.

Strengthening of select Training Institutions across project states and organising sector specific Training of Trainer’s Programme:

UNDP will supportstrengthening of the capacity of a few Training Institutions (pertaining to training on DM) by upgrading the training facilities which will include conduct of training needs assessment; and review and development of training modules, course curriculum, and training materials; and support to design and conduct Training of Trainer’s Programme on areas such as mainstreaming DRR, CCA-DRR linkages, post disaster recovery, Post Disaster Damage and Need Assessment (PDNA), urban risk reduction, etc.

Knowledge Management Centre

UNDP will support establishment of a state-of-the-art Knowledge Management Centre at the national level which will facilitate systematic collection, storage and analysis of disaster data and also serve as the platform for sharing of knowledge and experiences among the DM practitioners. In addition, it would also provide learning facilities and function as a repository of various knowledge products in the field of Disaster Management developed by various stakeholders including state governments.

Research Studies

Specific studies in relation to disaster risk reduction and disaster resilience in India will be conducted to build the existing knowledge base on disaster risk reduction. Emphasis will be laid on assessment of the capacities and strengths that exist in relation to risk assessment, early warning systems, disaster financing, recovery, preparedness and response.

Knowledge Events

At least one knowledge event will be organized every year to showcase the achievements made in relation to DRR.

South-South Cooperation

The project will promote South-South cooperation through collaborative studies, exchange visits, and workshops involving practitioners from countries in the South Asian region and beyond.

Under the project, efforts will be made to enhance the resilience of select vulnerable communities living in coastal, rained area, deltas and wetlands, inland water bodies, river plains, and hilly regions to cope with disasters and climate variability by implementing scalable demonstrative pilot initiatives. Measures for mitigating the impacts of disasters and climate change will be implemented by designing community led pilot initiatives. Some of the proposed pilot initiatives are as follows:

Integrated Water Management for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction

This will include measures such as revival of traditional water bodies, demand side ground water management, aquifer mapping, recharge of ground water, increased efficiency in utilization of water for the purpose of irrigation and domestic use, de-water logging/drainage decongestion, and land reclamation in flood plains, deltas and coastal plains.

Construction of safe shelters

The project will attempt to pursue CCA-DRR linkage in the shelter sector. It will assess the vulnerability of select communities from disasters and climate change and work with home-owners to introduce hazard-resistant building technology, climate sensitive designs, use of appropriate building materials, adequate provision for water and sanitation in the habitat design/planning, incorporation of water harvesting measures, use of energy efficient devices for electricity, and disaster preparedness through suitable structural and non-structural measures.

Alternative livelihoods and Livelihood Diversification for Adaptation and Resilience Building

Efforts would be made to develop expand the livelihood options through skill development of women groups and expansion of local economic activities through diversification, strengthening of local markets, infrastructure and promoting insurance. There will be special emphasis on climate change adaptive water and land based crop systems and farming practices. The project will attempt to promote financial inclusion by strengthening self-help groups, and establishing linkages with microfinance organizations.

Community level early warning systems

The project will attempt to develop mechanisms to ensure access to early warning information by the communities at risk. Appropriate technologies would be identified and promoted through existing programmes to establish effective early warning systems.

Participatory Risk Assessment

The project will attempt to promote community level participatory risk and vulnerability assessments using both indigenous knowledge and geospatial technologies such as satellite imagery, remote sensing, Global Positioning and Geographical Information Systems. Also, attempts would be made to demonstrate how community concerns can be integrated and addressed in development plans through such participatory risk assessments.

GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme, 2002-2009

Implementing agency: Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt. of India

State agency: Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Govt. of Sikkim

No. and name of the district selected: 4; East, West, North and South

District headquarters: Gangtok, Geyzing, Mangan, Namchi

Ministry of Home Affairs with support from UNDP-India implemented the GoI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Programme during the period 2002-2009. This Programme came to an end on June 2009. The DRM programme aimed at reducing the vulnerabilities of communities at risk to natural disasters in 176 multi hazard prone districts across 17 States of India including Sikkim. The Programme had a multi donor resources framework of $41 million and was the largest community-based DRM programme in the world.

The main objectives of the programme were:

  • Capacity Building to institutionalize DRM Initiatives at National, State and Local level.
  • Creating awareness and strengthening capacities at districts, blocks, panchayat and village levels on disaster risk management which included preparation of multi-hazard preparedness, response and mitigation plans, training of life saving skills like first aid, search and rescue and firefighting.
  • Knowledge networking on effective approaches, methods and tools for DRM.
  • Supporting development of policy frameworks at the State and National level on Disaster Management.

In a nutshell community capacity‐building was one of the key components of the DRM programme. Community volunteers are often the first responders to a disaster in real‐time, and the DRM programme undertook widespread training of Community Volunteer, Civil Defence, Home Guard and the Fire Service in Search and Rescue, First Aid, and Evacuation, Relief and Shelter Management. Conducting mock drills at all levels was also a key activity of the programme.

GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme, 2009-2012 (Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction)

Implementing agency: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Govt. of India

State agency: Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Govt. of Sikkim

No. and name of the district selected: 4; East, West, North and South

District headquarters: Gangtok, Geyzing, Mangan, Namchi

Based on the past experiences gained during the implementation of the GOI-UNDP DRM Programme 2002-2009 and the enactment of Disaster Management Act 2005, and the various efforts undertaken by MHA, NDMA, UNDP; it was felt necessary to take up more programmes to enhance the capacity of the DM institutions set up at various levels for disaster risk reduction.

Hence after the successful implementation of the GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme (2002-2009), Government of India with support from UNDP& NDMA, is implementing the GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (DRR) from 2009 to 2012.

The GOI-UNDP DRR programme is envisaged to support Central and State Government programmes and initiatives by providing critical inputs that would enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the efforts in Disaster Risk Reduction. The programme strives to strengthen the institutional structure to undertake Disaster Risk Reduction activities at various levels including risks being enhanced due to climate change and develop preparedness for recovery.

The Programme has two components:

Institutional Strengthening and capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

Urban Risk Reduction (URR).

DRR Programme specific outcomes are as follows:

  • Strengthening the State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) and District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) to fulfill the responsibilities stipulated in the DM Act (2005).
  • Developing methodologies and modalities for ensuring risk reduction through integration in development programmes of all partners at national, state and community levels.
  • Enhancing the capacity for urban risk reduction by addressing planning, capacity building and ensuring suitable legislative and regulatory mechanisms to promote safe built environment.
  • To strengthen the recovery framework, through which the people affected by disasters (especially the most vulnerable) are able to access resources for rebuilding their lives and reviving their livelihoods.
  • To strengthen Knowledge and information sharing platform in disaster management.

GOI-UNDP Urban Risk Reduction Programme, 2009-2012

Implementing agency: Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt. of India

State agency: Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department and Urban Development Housing Department, Govt. of Sikkim

No. and name of the district selected: 1; Gangtok Municipal Corporation

Government of India, United Nations Development Programme (GOI-UNDP) is currently implementing Urban Risk Reduction Programme (URR, 2009-2012) covering 58 cities in India. The programme is being implemented Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi in association with the United Nations Development Plan. Gangtok, the state capital has been chosen for the said programme

The Programme will have the following deliverables:

  • Risk Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction for Urban Development Programmes.
  • Conduct urban risk and vulnerability assessments.
  • Facilitate integration of risk reduction into urban development programmes.
  • Capacity building in Urban Risk Reduction.
  • Strengthen enforcement of building codes, by‐laws and development control regulations.
  • Training and capacity‐building for safer construction practices and urban planning.
  • Institutional Strengthening for Urban Risk Management.
  • Strengthened institutional capacity
  • Strengthened disaster response capacity for city level.
  • Urban Community‐based Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Urban Community-based Disaster Risk Management.
  • Access to local level financial mechanisms for DRM.

Some of the key areas of work as identified are as follows:

Generating Awareness Generation in urban areas of India on Disaster Risk Reduction through the use of City Managers Forum, Mayors Forum and community-based networks established by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation in collaboration with National Resource Centers.

  • Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into policy, plans and programmes at the state and Urban Local Bodies level.
  • Promoting incorporation of hazard resistant technologies in housing and basic urban infrastructure plan at the city level.
  • Preparation of Hazard Risks and Vulnerability Atlas for selected multi hazard prone cities.
  • Training and capacity building on improved governance arrangements at the city level for Disaster Response and preparedness.
  • Preparation of Disaster Risk Mitigation Plan in selected cities and their integration into the overall City Development Plans on pilot basis.
  • Capacity building of vulnerable communities in selected multi hazard prone cities on disaster preparedness and response.
  • Bringing in amendments in building byelaws, Land use zoning regulations Development Control Regulations/ Town and County Planning Act in various states to ensure structural safety against natural hazards and strengthening the mechanism for compliance to it.
  • Training and capacity building of engineers and architect and masons in selected cities on hazard resistant construction practices.
  • Strengthening partnerships with various institutions of Urban Management for building capacity of various stakeholders on urban disaster risk reduction.

Project Management & Implementation Arrangements:

At National Level

The Ministry of Home Affairs will be the Implementing Partner for the project, and will be responsible and accountable for the effective use of UNDP (and other) resources and the achievement of the project outcomes and outputs. A work plan on an annual basis outlining activities and corresponding budgets will be prepared in consultation with the MHA and signed between MHA and UNDP as per UNDP rules and regulations. Selected state governments (State Disaster Management Authorities) will be responsible parties to implement the project activities by signing Work Plans on an annual basis with the MHA. The state governments/SDMAs will be responsible for carrying out project activities at state, district, city and local levels.

The Project Management Committee (PMC)

Project Management Committee (PMC) constituted by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will meet at least once a year, and will have state governments as members to provide oversight and cross-Sectoral linkages. The PMC would be chaired by the Secretary (Border Management).

State Monitoring Committee

The State Monitoring Committees (SMCs) will be constituted and chaired by the Principal Secretaries, State Revenue Department/CEO, SDMAs for implementation and monitoring of the Project. The members of the Committee will include officers (at least of the rank of Joint Secretary) from the relevant departments. The members may include officers of State level Urban and Rural Development Department, Planning Department, Metropolitan Authorities and other relevant departments, and representatives of MHA and UNDP.

Technical Support

Considering the size, wide range of Government/Non-Government organizations and stakeholders and spread of the project over a large geographical area, a Project Management Team (PMT) within the Ministry will be put in place for support in coordination and management of the project. It will comprise of 3-4 technical experts and a support staff. At the state level UNDP will engage a State project officer to support the Department of Land/Revenue /Disaster Management /SDMA and liaison with technical cooperating agencies such as UN agencies, NDMA, NIDM, any other resource/research based institutions for fulfillment of the project outcomes.